Aging forward

Bittersweet of life

2 min readMar 15, 2022
A black woman drowning thoughts
Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma’aji from Pexels

A process that your body has been programmed to do, yet your mind lags behind
It gives you baggage to hold on to
Tears to your eyes
A temp slouch to your walk
A grouch to your demeanor
And oblivion to the right person
It played you out sweaty and out of a breath like a first timer in a gym trying to lose weight
Takes too many unnecessary experiences just to be a step ahead with it
A lot of falling and standing
Wallowing in the mud
Influence of an influence that’s strip much away
A slump down a wall
Careless decisions
Makes up such imagination that can take you up a ladder you’ve reached more than halfway up or suicide the whole thing
Denial, doubts, sadness, and lonely.. like they’re all in a playground having fun
Welcome to the party of life, come on in
There’s a merry-go-round of pain and toxicity
A slide of a few joyful moments at the top and when you get down it’s like getting sober from a drunken night drowning your sorrows
Seesaw of disappointment or defeat, success or excellence
Everything is a lesson for the lazy mind to age forward and do better
Oh yeah there’s also this stagnant wave some have to their flow, especially when you get it’s best of friend and worst of enemy, the Heart involved
Truth is, you don’t need to go through all that again and again if you believe Jesus the son of God.
His Mercy redirects your path in places you had never thought to step
And if that caged imagination is taken reign over by the spirit of God in you, your preparation has exceeded its time.
You get to be a shining light that goes beyond this realm
Then everything isn’t all bad
It wasn’t for nothing
For you must age forward

Thank you for reading, share, give clap and follow. This is not a poem of any sort, just a write-up. And my experience ‘escaping’ from the war in Ukraine is coming up in different parts. Also if you want to share any experience of yours (anonymously) pertaining to this situation or any other matter, you can chat me up on...


ig: christiana__olowo

Thank you.




A mess of a mind is worth sharing… I’m into content writing and copywriting with a little of exposure to my thoughts